Mount Kelly Cross

Browse crosses

Please note: This cross stands on private land and permission of the owner should be sought before making a visit.
Location: In front of the main building of Mount Kelly School, Tavistock

O/S Grid Ref:  SX/48916/75121               Longitude/Latitude (Degrees+/-):  -4.13424/50.55626

Map location:  Click here to view map.

Purpose:  War Memorial Cross.

Size: The cross has not yet been measured.

Information:  The cross stands immediately in front of the steps that lead up to the level of the main school building.  Although it stands on private land it can be seen, long distance, from the pavement of the A386 Tavistock to Okehampton road in the valley below.

This fairly modern cross is of an ornate Celtic design and serves as a War Memorial for both World War I and II.  A recess has been smoothed out in the face of the socket stone, which now bears the inscription: In / Proud and Loving Memory / of / Our Glorious Dead / 1914 - 1918 / 1939 - 1945.

Mount Kelly School was established in 2014, from a merger between the former Kelly College, on the same site, and the nearby Mount House Shool.  The original Kelly College was founded in 1877 by the benefaction of Admiral Benedictus Marwood Kelly, who left the majority of his estate to trustees in order they should establish 'Kelly College' for the education of the sons of Naval Officers and other gentlemen.  Mount House School, which was based in Plymouth, was heavily bombed during World War II and subsequently relocated, in 1940, to a 50 acre site at Mount Tavy, Tavistock.  The school takes in pupils from the age of three and guides them through pre-school right up to A-Level standard, preparing them for University and beyond.

Our thanks to Chris Taylor for bringing this cross to our attention.